Friday, February 27, 2009

Agree or Disagree Spam

I Disagree spam because spamming is not good maybe it is good for others who are making it but not for the majority. Spamming is just flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message, in an attempt to force the message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it.

10 Tips to Fight Spam

1. Use Spam Filters.

When email was originally designed in SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) there was no reason to authenticate email message senders because email was originally only for trusted users such university researchers.

2. Eliminate Viruses.

Spam still slips through filters, and sometimes delivers viruses that then turns your computer into a spamming machine without you even knowing.

3. Keep Your Email Account Safe.

Email users can do their part to reduce spam. When you sign up for something online, read the details carefully and uncheck checkboxes for additional offers.

4. Test Who Is Spamming You.

When you sign up for something online, sites usually say they won't sell your info. Unfortunately, some do, or their employees do.

6. Opt-Out Letters.

Online newsletters are a great way to bring the content you want directly to your inbox.

7. Pick The Right Email Address.

One way to reduce spam is to choose your email address carefully.

8. Tailor Your Surfing To Minimize Viruses and Spam.

Let's face it, there are three primary types of websites that can be a source of viruses and spam: adult, gambling, and gaming.

9. Report Violators.

The report any spammers and ask the authority to help deal with spam violators.

10. Get Revenge?

Track the spammer.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ethical Evaluation of Spamming

Kantian Evaluation

• Recipients are treated as a means to an end.
Use of people as a means to an end and it's bad.
Immanuel Kant takes the moral position of deontology. "Deontologists believe that morality is about choosing actions that obey laws, rules, or duties. For Kant, in order to be ethical, we must choose to do an action not because we think it will produce good outcomes or because we are moral people, but because it is the right thing to do."

Act Utilitarian Evaluation

Suppose spam message to 100 million people.
• Bad results greatly outweigh good.
Act-utilitarianism is a relatively new term to describe the type of utilitarianism where we look at each individual action and ask ourselves...What should I do in this specific case? This creates enormous problems because there's no way we can predict the future. We can't know if our action will ultimately bring about more goodness.

Rule Utilitarian Evaluation
• Diminishes the usefulness of the email system.
• Just only a tiny number benefit.
Rule utilitarianism is oriented towards positive outcomes (e.g. maximizing happiness). Here a rule is adopted because it tends to best promote utility - much as a "rule" in tennis that says "don't take risky trick shots" is adopted because it tends to win matches.

Social Contract Theory Evaluation

• Spam against the idea of email as a conversation – spammers don’t want replies and disguise themselves (masquerading)
the contractual formula (“an act is wrong just in case it fails to pass the non-reject ability test”), if “wrongness” just means “fails to pass the non-reject ability test,” simply means “an act fails to pass the non-reject ability test just in case it fails to pass the non-reject ability test.” If, however, the Scanlonian formula is taken to give a higher-order account of wrongness, then what the formula means is simply that an act that fails the non-reject ability test is made to have another (lower-order) property of being wrong in some other non-contractual sense.